Midnight Gardener

Poetry surrounding my senses
  the cool, crisp bite of fresh fall air
    (and only a bit of sadness
      now that summer's gone)

A spider tiptoeing
  up a vast white wall,
    her feet dancing carefully
      with each rapid step

A shadow of smoke from a cigarette
    watching me,
      as I'm scarcely aware it's there

A toad in a garden
  warily watching
    knowing not that he needn't fear
      me, merely a midnight gardener

  of a new autumn

  in a warm jacket

    but for my thoughts
      and poetry surrounding.

-Philip A. Thomas
Copyright © 1985, 1996


The fine print: All writings are copyright © 1996 by Philip Anthony Thomas unless otherwise noted. Please ask for permission BEFORE using any of these writings for any purpose other than reading them online. They may NOT be reproduced, electronically transmitted (except directly from this website for the purposes of personal reading), etc. in any way (etc. etc.) without acknowledgement of authorship and copyright and written permission from the copyright holder.

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